Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cupcake Update!!

 How far along? 38w5d
Total weight gain/loss: from pre-preg til now +6.5
Maternity Clothes? of course.
Sleep: it's starting to get uncomfortable, contractions have been starting up every night and fade away by morning.
Best moment this week: it's been pretty uneventful. I've taken a few naps.
Gender: 2 ultrasounds say "girl".
Labor signs: yes! 70% effaced, 2 to 3 cm dilated, -2 station! Irregular contractions but at least they are doing something. My BP has been steadily high, I go back friday (in 3 days) for a recheck and possible membrane sweep.
Belly Button in or out? in!
What I miss: as selfish as this sounds, having my body to myself. I love being pregnant feeling baby move but after back to back pregnancies I barely remember what it's like to not share my body. (and be beat up from the inside!)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my little girl's face and giving her a name.
Milestones: doc noticed today that if you watch my belly you can see cupcake breathing, I can feel the rhythm of it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

life as of late.

I went to the doc yesterday.  My doctor saw me in triage friday night didn't even remember I was there or that I'm supposed to be on bedrest.. nothing.  I was pissed to say the least.  I'm kind of hoping cupcake comes shortly after 37 weeks so I don't have to deal with anymore ob visits.

O came down with a cold over the weekend.  His temp hit 102.4, I took him in he's got pneumonia.  For the first time ever he's actually just been laying on the couch with me all day cuddling. They gave him a shot of antibiotics, I have to do breathing treatments 2-3 times a day plus oral antibiotics for 10 days.  I take him back thursday for a recheck.

We also got news that mom's kidneys aren't doing well.  They may be going into failure.  More testing next week.

I've definitely had enough of bad news for awhile.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools

Around 10:30am on the first of April I started having contractions.  I continued to ALL day.  Finally around 6pm I decided I better go to the hospital to be monitored if I was actually in labor or if my mind was playing tricks on me.  Sure enough.  I was in LABOR!  I was told that since I have reached 35 weeks they wouldn't do anything to stop it.  THEN five minutes later the nurse walks in to give me a shot of terbutaline, with the advice that if my contractions didn't stop with this medication I was in true labor.  Well they didn't stop, so they just kept pumping me full of drugs until my contractions we're no longer in pattern.  Then sent me home.  bummer.  Truthfully I wasn't ready for her and I really didn't want to have her at 35w1d.  I feared her lungs weren't fully developed.  Plus on the way to the hospital it occurred to me that I didn't have her carseat!!  It's in storage along with all my cloth diapers. 

Now I have a better idea of what I need to do to finish packing / getting ready for her arrival.  We went out today to pick up a carseat and other odds 'n ends. I feel a bit more prepared.. Now I just worry that since we've stopped labor that I won't go back in again and I'll have to be induced.  ha.  Silly pregnant brain!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cupcake Update!

How far along?34w4d
Total weight gain/loss:+7.5
Maternity Clothes?yes! Mostly pajama type clothes.
Sleep:I finally sleep trained O, so now we at least sleep through the night. I'm starting to have more and more issues with indigestion if I eat too close to bedtime. SUPER annoying especially with how exhausted I've been.
Best moment this week:I start maternity leave!
Gender:Hoping it's still a girl! We'll find out for sure soon!
Labor signs: just some braxton-hicks like normal.
Belly Button in or out?it's still in. shallow.
What I miss:being able to reach my behind to wipe properly!
What I am looking forward to:cuddling my baby girl! And the aches and pains of pregnancy to be gone.
Milestones:Cupcake is head down, stuck in my pelvis! I've washed up her clothes, packed her hospital bag (just need to do mine) and we're pretty much ready to go! I start going to weekly appts because my blood pressure is starting to rise. Just waiting for labor!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

oh my god!

I've spent the last 2 days with the worst case of the flu ever.  I don't think I've ever thrown up that much in my life.  I am on the mend.. thank goodness. 

Took O for a recheck on his ears.. still infected.  Another round of antibiotics for him.  He's been battling this for over a month, poor guy.

The nice thing was getting four days off work and lots and lots of sleep!  I can't believe I am nearly 32 weeks pregnant.  These next few weeks are going to fly by!

Monday, March 7, 2011

2nd trip to the er...

this pregnancy.  I had felt contractions since about noon.  Went to work anyway thinking they would go away.. nope.  Headed over to the hospital the monitored me for about an hour, everything seemed to stop.  I was dehydrated and just needed to lay down I suppose.  Checked any changes to my cervix, none.  Then sent me on my way with a new water pitcher that I'm supposed to fill with water and drink FOUR times a day.  That's a ton of water! 

Now I'm home and in need of a nap until little boy gets home from daycare.

Friday, March 4, 2011

alright, alright.

Whew.  This past week has been tough.  Got everything moved from the old place to mom's.  Working a little bit extra to try and get the funds for moving / keeping on top of bills while I'm on maternity leave.  The exhaustion of the third trimester, along with a 14 month old that doesn't sleep through the night has left me just plain worn out.  I took today as a stay home day.. even when I got in the car and was going to run a couple errands the gods had a different plan.  Flat tire.  Completely to the ground flat.. I have to change it to the spare in order to drive.  Instead I just went back inside, took a bubble bath and have been vegging out.  I have managed to do about six loads of laudry though.  I've enjoyed just letting my brain think whatever it wants without interruption of whiny / crying.  He has been battling a double ear infection and cutting his two front teeth, so I get it you're upset and in pain.  I think it's a trait of all men to whine when they don't feel well.

I think I'm going to wrap up my computer time.  And put myself to bed until the rest of the family returns from work / daycare.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Cupcake Update!

How far along? 30w1d (belly measures 2 weeks ahead!)
Total weight gain/loss: -3.5lbs  
Maternity Clothes? Finally got around to purchasing some!  I was so tired of stuffing myself into the same three shirts.  I'm so much more comfortable now.
Sleep: is getting tougher.  I now experience horrible indigestion every time I lay down.  I'm looking forward to delivery day!
Best moment this week: I've pretty much gotten everything I need for her.  Just have to get it all set up.  My boobs actually grew a cup size!  They never did with my 1st pregnancy!   
Gender: I really hope she doesn't have a penis.
Labor signs: I'm pretty sure I've started having braxton-hicks.  But I can hardly ever tell for sure.
Belly Button in or out? IN!
What I miss: Sitting up without any pain.  My upper stomach muscles have been aching for the past two weeks.  I'm beginning to believe it's not going to stop until after she is born.
What I am looking forward to: D-day!
Milestones: Baby is getting huge.  When she moves my whole stomach goes with her!  She's got herself on a good sleep / wake pattern that I hope continues after she is no longer in utero.  Basically she sleeps all the time, except for about 20 mins every 4 hours.  Everyone, even complete strangers have seemed to notice this week that I am pregnant.  All the "when are you due?" comments have begun!

The results of the 3 hour glucose test came back, I failed 1 out of 4.  They consider that to be borderline and want me to follow a diabetic diet for the remainder of pregnancy to ensure baby doesn't get TOO big.  Otherwise my sugars have all been within range and everything looks good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was finally able to get O out into the snow for the 1st time.  Hopefully that'll be the last time it snows this winter.  I'm really not much of fan anymore, now that I have to drive to work and all.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It seems we moved again.

Mom and I talked, she's gonna go ahead and let us stay with her until a) I save up for my own place or b) we find a giant house together.  Either way it relieves A LOT of my stress!  I was renting the upstairs of a house, I could not imagine being full term carrying a toddler up and down those dang stairs, let alone a newborn!   Another good thing I'm only about ten minutes away from work, rather than thirty.  We still haven't fully decided on how it's going to work out but at least we are one step closer to our goal! 

side note : cupcake's teeny thirsties diaper covers arrived!  I love little fluffy bums!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Looks we're gonna be staying with mom for at least 2 more weeks.  Her leg isn't healing as well as it should. 

Stopped in Ikea.  OH MY GOD!  They have the absolute best chocolate cake, EVER!  My mouth is already watering over the thought of another slice. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I like days like these!

Went to 3 different thrift stores, finally stocked up on some clothes that'll actually fit this belly!  Found some cute clothes for the kiddos, scored a new boppy for $5.99 plus couple new blankets!  I really really love that target has a contract with goodwill!

Started buying diapers for cupcake.  I plan to use cloth as well but I prefer to use diposables at night and daycare.  Once we get settled in our new place O's little hiney will be back in cloth.  I miss saving all those $$!

Also spoiled myself with Dexter Season 4!

We're still staying with mom, supposed to be headed home on the 15th.  I'm looking forward to getting back into our routine.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cupcake Shower!

I came home from work tonight at about 11pm to discover my family set up a little cupcake baby shower!  I opted out of a full on shower, seeing as my son is only 14 months and I have all the big items.  My Auntie still wanted me to have something so she put it together.  Complete with cupcakes!  My favorite where the lemon filled ones.. mm.  I was so shocked I cried.  I haven't really received much support with this pregnancy, as my family was quite a bit upset with my life situation and then to be adding another baby.  It was comforting to know that they are looking forward to the newest addition.