Friday, March 4, 2011

alright, alright.

Whew.  This past week has been tough.  Got everything moved from the old place to mom's.  Working a little bit extra to try and get the funds for moving / keeping on top of bills while I'm on maternity leave.  The exhaustion of the third trimester, along with a 14 month old that doesn't sleep through the night has left me just plain worn out.  I took today as a stay home day.. even when I got in the car and was going to run a couple errands the gods had a different plan.  Flat tire.  Completely to the ground flat.. I have to change it to the spare in order to drive.  Instead I just went back inside, took a bubble bath and have been vegging out.  I have managed to do about six loads of laudry though.  I've enjoyed just letting my brain think whatever it wants without interruption of whiny / crying.  He has been battling a double ear infection and cutting his two front teeth, so I get it you're upset and in pain.  I think it's a trait of all men to whine when they don't feel well.

I think I'm going to wrap up my computer time.  And put myself to bed until the rest of the family returns from work / daycare.

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