Monday, February 28, 2011

Cupcake Update!

How far along? 30w1d (belly measures 2 weeks ahead!)
Total weight gain/loss: -3.5lbs  
Maternity Clothes? Finally got around to purchasing some!  I was so tired of stuffing myself into the same three shirts.  I'm so much more comfortable now.
Sleep: is getting tougher.  I now experience horrible indigestion every time I lay down.  I'm looking forward to delivery day!
Best moment this week: I've pretty much gotten everything I need for her.  Just have to get it all set up.  My boobs actually grew a cup size!  They never did with my 1st pregnancy!   
Gender: I really hope she doesn't have a penis.
Labor signs: I'm pretty sure I've started having braxton-hicks.  But I can hardly ever tell for sure.
Belly Button in or out? IN!
What I miss: Sitting up without any pain.  My upper stomach muscles have been aching for the past two weeks.  I'm beginning to believe it's not going to stop until after she is born.
What I am looking forward to: D-day!
Milestones: Baby is getting huge.  When she moves my whole stomach goes with her!  She's got herself on a good sleep / wake pattern that I hope continues after she is no longer in utero.  Basically she sleeps all the time, except for about 20 mins every 4 hours.  Everyone, even complete strangers have seemed to notice this week that I am pregnant.  All the "when are you due?" comments have begun!

The results of the 3 hour glucose test came back, I failed 1 out of 4.  They consider that to be borderline and want me to follow a diabetic diet for the remainder of pregnancy to ensure baby doesn't get TOO big.  Otherwise my sugars have all been within range and everything looks good.

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