Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cupcake Update!!

 How far along? 38w5d
Total weight gain/loss: from pre-preg til now +6.5
Maternity Clothes? of course.
Sleep: it's starting to get uncomfortable, contractions have been starting up every night and fade away by morning.
Best moment this week: it's been pretty uneventful. I've taken a few naps.
Gender: 2 ultrasounds say "girl".
Labor signs: yes! 70% effaced, 2 to 3 cm dilated, -2 station! Irregular contractions but at least they are doing something. My BP has been steadily high, I go back friday (in 3 days) for a recheck and possible membrane sweep.
Belly Button in or out? in!
What I miss: as selfish as this sounds, having my body to myself. I love being pregnant feeling baby move but after back to back pregnancies I barely remember what it's like to not share my body. (and be beat up from the inside!)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my little girl's face and giving her a name.
Milestones: doc noticed today that if you watch my belly you can see cupcake breathing, I can feel the rhythm of it.

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