Tuesday, April 5, 2011

life as of late.

I went to the doc yesterday.  My doctor saw me in triage friday night didn't even remember I was there or that I'm supposed to be on bedrest.. nothing.  I was pissed to say the least.  I'm kind of hoping cupcake comes shortly after 37 weeks so I don't have to deal with anymore ob visits.

O came down with a cold over the weekend.  His temp hit 102.4, I took him in he's got pneumonia.  For the first time ever he's actually just been laying on the couch with me all day cuddling. They gave him a shot of antibiotics, I have to do breathing treatments 2-3 times a day plus oral antibiotics for 10 days.  I take him back thursday for a recheck.

We also got news that mom's kidneys aren't doing well.  They may be going into failure.  More testing next week.

I've definitely had enough of bad news for awhile.

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