Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools

Around 10:30am on the first of April I started having contractions.  I continued to ALL day.  Finally around 6pm I decided I better go to the hospital to be monitored if I was actually in labor or if my mind was playing tricks on me.  Sure enough.  I was in LABOR!  I was told that since I have reached 35 weeks they wouldn't do anything to stop it.  THEN five minutes later the nurse walks in to give me a shot of terbutaline, with the advice that if my contractions didn't stop with this medication I was in true labor.  Well they didn't stop, so they just kept pumping me full of drugs until my contractions we're no longer in pattern.  Then sent me home.  bummer.  Truthfully I wasn't ready for her and I really didn't want to have her at 35w1d.  I feared her lungs weren't fully developed.  Plus on the way to the hospital it occurred to me that I didn't have her carseat!!  It's in storage along with all my cloth diapers. 

Now I have a better idea of what I need to do to finish packing / getting ready for her arrival.  We went out today to pick up a carseat and other odds 'n ends. I feel a bit more prepared.. Now I just worry that since we've stopped labor that I won't go back in again and I'll have to be induced.  ha.  Silly pregnant brain!

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