Monday, March 28, 2011

Cupcake Update!

How far along?34w4d
Total weight gain/loss:+7.5
Maternity Clothes?yes! Mostly pajama type clothes.
Sleep:I finally sleep trained O, so now we at least sleep through the night. I'm starting to have more and more issues with indigestion if I eat too close to bedtime. SUPER annoying especially with how exhausted I've been.
Best moment this week:I start maternity leave!
Gender:Hoping it's still a girl! We'll find out for sure soon!
Labor signs: just some braxton-hicks like normal.
Belly Button in or out?it's still in. shallow.
What I miss:being able to reach my behind to wipe properly!
What I am looking forward to:cuddling my baby girl! And the aches and pains of pregnancy to be gone.
Milestones:Cupcake is head down, stuck in my pelvis! I've washed up her clothes, packed her hospital bag (just need to do mine) and we're pretty much ready to go! I start going to weekly appts because my blood pressure is starting to rise. Just waiting for labor!!

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