Thursday, April 16, 2009


As of February 27th, 2009 my hcg levels (pregnancy hormones) had reached zero. Meaning the miscarriage was complete and my period should return soon. Which it did.. my last period was March 11th, 2009. I expected my next period to come around April 8th, 2009. It got to be the 10th and I had my suspecions. I woke Friday morning, took a test. Waited. Then after a few minutes - BINK "pregnant"! My inital thought was "REALLY!?" and I started laughing. My second thought was, what am I going to tell mancub?! I decided that it is best to wait it out until I am 12 weeks or so along to ensure everything is okay with the baby. So far I've told mom, carrie and a couple people at work. I am extremely excited and all I can hope is that this is meant to be! I scheduled my first appointment for May 5th, 2009, if all goes well I'll be nearly 8 weeks. And this little one is due around mid-december.

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