Monday, March 8, 2010

12/52 - Nick's Catching UP!

After all the sickness, your butt didn't want to work.  We made our first 3am trek (3/2) to winco for dark karo syrup in hopes of helping you out.  No go.  At 10am you were still miserable.  We went to target, I bought everything they have to make a kid poop, plus everything for coughs / colds and sore teeth.  Hopefully I can avoid another 3am run!
Wednesday (3/3) you went back to daycare and I went back to work, they aren't very happy with me missing so many days but I had the doctors note they requested!
By Friday Mama was sick, so I got to have a stay home day.
You're beginning to become quite interested in your hands, placing them on your bottle during feedings, sucking.. well licking them as a form of comfort and even rubbing your eyes when you start to get sleepy.
Today we hung out with Monica and Nick, thrifting and what not.  I can't believe how big Nick has gotten in just the past 2 weeks.  He's only a pound behind you now!  I can't wait for the day when you two start playing.  I'm sure they're will be many fights over toys as well. 

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