Monday, March 15, 2010

13/52 - So Big!

I dug the excersaucer out of storage the other day, washed it up last night and this morning after your bath I put you in it to play for the first time!  You loved it.. I think you actually stayed entertained for almost 45 mins, long enough for me to bake Gramma's Birthday Cake!

During your 13th week of life, things have been much better.. I switched you to soy based formula since you were still having bowel issues.  You've been angel ever since, I feel pretty bad that for the last 3 months you've probably been having belly aches and that's what was making you cry.  I'm sorry little one.  One morning this week I bent over to pick you up, your little hand when straight up and started scratching the top of your head.  It seems you have a case of baby eczema.  I've read about california baby products, I decided to try out their super sensitive baby wash and also the lotion.  Within two days your skin has much improved!  That stuff is amazing, as we've been battling this crap for nearly 3 months. You're in a pretty good routine.  You sleep well at night and take 1 or 2 fairly long naps during the day.  Daycare seems to like you more as well.. ;D  Screaming babies are hard to deal with. 
A SAD thing this week... your swing died.  I'm not sure if it was the motor or what but I fully intend of exchanging it.  You've only been using it three months, it shouldn't be dead already!!  
I handed you some ring links with a chewy attached, you held on to them sucking and licking 'em for about 20 minutes.  My little one is starting to play with toys.  I can't believe how fast you are growing.  I've also witnessed you reaching out to grab objects, it is so hard for you to get your arm to cooperate but you are very patient with yourself.

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