Tuesday, March 23, 2010

14/52 - Sick Boy, Again.

lets see.. we celebrated your Grandma's 44th birthday.  Did a bit of thrifting / shopping, we found an awesome book shelf for all the books I've been collecting and the best find!  A toy box for $10.  It needs new paint and I'm gonna add your name letters to the front.  I love it! 
You now fit into nine month size clothing so I washed up all I had stored away.  It's amazing how big you've gotten.
We got a new roommate, she's a Grandma and you seem to love her already!  I also applied at a local technical college to get my LPN / RN that way I can take better care of us. 
Over the course of the week you've been adding to all your skin issues.  Your eye slime turned yellow / green, your face and body turned into a rash, it looks like you've got a case of thrush in your mouth and I believe the bronchiolits is back.  I took you in to see the doc and Mama was right about everything.  You weigh 14lbs 8.5 oz.  He gave us 3 prescriptions and sent us on our way.  I'm glad you take meds well. 
You've been reaching out and grabbing at your toys.  Interacting with people more and the soy formula seems to be a lot easier on your tummy.  Now I just gotta get you pooping...

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