Monday, March 1, 2010

11/52 - Sick Boy

Yesterday (2/28) you made your very first trip to the emergency room. 
Well Friday (2/26) you were beginning to get a bit wheezy, we went in for your 2 month baby well check and shots (3!) Doc said you've got the beginnings of bronchiolitis.  You also weigh 13.8 pounds!!  Saturday you got a bit worse and Sunday morning when you woke, not only we're you coughing but puking.  I noticed you we're breathing quite rapidly and it seemed difficult for you to get any air.  Off to the hospital we went, your oxygen levels were at 88 when we arrived.  They gave you a breathing treatment, steroids and sent us home with an inhaler. Oi!  At least you seem to be getting better as we went to the doc again today.
Now you're constipated. haha.  I'm sorry, kid.
I finally got your bed set!!  yay!  I've also been picking up books at the thrift stores, you're starting to get quite the collection.  OH!  You also wore your very first 9 mos outfit!!  I can't believe it!!!

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