Monday, January 25, 2010

06/52 - 6 weeks!

 During your sixth week of life...

We've been battling cradle cap or what I like to call cradle crap.  So far I think we are winning.  We went to see your Auntie Carrie, she's the one that took all the photos of your birth. I hope that she has a special place in your life always & forever.  The biggest milestone you achieved this week you finally became a fluffy butt!  I love cloth and cannot wait to get your supply of fuzzi bunz!
As of 01/20 you weigh 10lbs 8oz & you're 21 1/4" long!  That was done at the WIC office, yay for 9 free cans of formula a month.  When you get to be six months old they'll start giving you 34 jars of baby food a month along with your formula.  I can't wait to start offering you foods and making your own homemade yummies!  I've found a few awesome baby food recipes that I want to make for you, I'm praying you won't have any food allergies.
This week you've pretty much decided that you weren't going to take ANYTHING longer that a five minute cat nap.  If you were put down immediately you'd wake.  Or if the bottle was removed from your little always hungry chomper, EYES OPEN!  On the flip side, at night you've been doing 4 to 5 hour stretches.  So I'm trying not to complain.
Postpartum Depression (PPD) has hit me pretty hard.  I've already been taking zoloft for the past 2 years and it was very surprising to me because I've never had depression / anxiety come thru before.  My six week check up is tomorrow, so we'll see what they'll do for me.
On Sunday Gramma babysat while I took your uncle, my little brother (he's 5 and mom is in the process of adoption, he's been with us for nearly 2 years now) to the movies for his excellent behavior at school!  We saw "Where the wild things are"  and we both loved it!  I'm excited for the future and being able to do those sort of things with you.
Overall it's been a rather stressful week for both of us, I'm hoping next week will be better.

My lil turtle!  I'm so glad you're growing lips.


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