Tuesday, January 26, 2010

6 week pp belly & stats.

In all my glory.
I've been back at my pre-pregnancy weight since 10 days postpartum.  The belly is just a little squishier.  haha.  I had my check with the doc today.  Everything is great and I can go back to work.  I told her about my concerns with ppd and she upped my dose of zoloft from 75mg to 150mg for a few months to help battle it.  I really hope this does the trick because it is really scary.  Like they say it's definitely not something to put off and think it will go away.  It is serious!  I wish that women would actually tell the truth about how they feel after birth.  Everyone always gives the impression that you immediately love your child and you're both in on cloud 9.  In reality it's a big mess!  It's also a new relationship that has to develop and grow.  I was left feeling like a bad mother.  And with the depression from the time we came home from the hospital I told Mom that I didn't feel like he was my baby.  That I didn't feel any sort of connection to him.  Which has continued until this day.  I really pray that I pull thru this and can begin bonding with him a bit deeper.  He needs me.

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