Sunday, July 12, 2009

what a strange turn of events.

If someone would have told me a year ago that August 2009 you'll be living with Esteban and his mom Cheryl in a 3 bedroom apartment, I would have laughed in their face. But now it seems that just exactly what is going to be happening.

I think this might need a bit of explaining...

as of June 30th, I talked with Hali & Jacob they have yet to save anything for moving. Nor had I, thanks to being sick with the stomach flu for nearly two weeks. So out of panic, anxiety of running out of time, options and losing possible help from mom. I suggested renting this place. Mom offered to pay the deposits to get us in and then we'd pay her back of course. Well Hali pretty much freaked out.. "I thought we were looking at renting a house.. If I'm going to be living in an apt I might as well stay where I'm at." I told her "okay.." Plus I guess her and Jacob just broke up for the 762nd time, so they don't know if he'll be moving in too. Too much drama and crap I don't want to deal with..

Mom had suggest rooming with Cheryl, prolly a month or two ago. I never really seriously thought about it.. but once I decided I wanted this apartment.. (we went to look at it today! I love it even more!) I said "hey mom, let's see if Cheryl wants to rent it with me." She had been talking about moving out of the trailer she's living in with another family and this would be perfect. Cheryl talked to her boyfriend, he said that he did not want to move. She told him "Well I'm moving regardless, Esteban is coming to live with me in August and we cannot all live in ONE room!!" Mom and I called, made an appointment to view the apartment today, filled out the application. They'll start processing it tomorrow. Since it's a 12 plex and there are 3 apartments available currently they are anxious to rent, so they are completely willing to work with us and get us in there! Once approved we sign the lease August 1st and get the keys!!!

It's a bottom floor unit with a small fenced backyard. Washer and dryer!!!! 3 beds, 1 large bath for $825 with g/w/s included. Baby and I will share a room - the master. Cheryl will finally get to have her own room. Esteban and Miguel will get the third room! I'm excited. Aside from the washer and dryer, I'm mostly excited to actually have a bedroom DOOR! Waking up to see my stove has gotten very old after TWO years! Plus they are pretty open to painting decorating.. so I think after spending years living with white walls... it's time to add a little color!

I think this will be a good thing.. and I'll get to see Esteban and his little brother Miguel EVERYDAY! ;D

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