Wednesday, May 20, 2009

wow. it's been over a month.

I had been keeping up here quite regularly but then an overwhelming bout of laziness hit! I haven't been keep up with hardly anything.. just sleep. That and life seems to be changing almost daily so if I write something one day the next it's barely even true. like last week.. I've been trying to decide where I'm going to live. The beginning of the week with about ninety percent certainty I was going to move to the Ocean. By Thursday that was changed completely! Now I'm almost certain my new plan will pan out and this is where I'll be going but who knows until it actually happens. Hali and Jacob want to rent a house, so I'm going to move in with them out towards the Tacoma area. I'm hoping for something closer to Puyallup or Auburn but we'll see. Right now we've been looking at 3 bedrooms for around $900. Pretty decent.. plus they are good people and I'd love to be able to see Hali regularly!

Things with the ex went from okay to not so good to basically bad. He hasn't been here in 2 weeks, all last week he ignored me and chose to give me the silent treatment, in turn caused my horrible bitchy pregnant hormones to come out. I told him today exactly how I felt as he called to say he was coming home to say hi. He only comes here when is convenient for him, his reasoning for not talking to me is that he's trying to LIVE his LIFE.. uhh what the hell am I trying to do? All I wanted was a phone call that he said he would do, to let me know if he was coming up or not last week and I didn't hear from him for 3 days. Participation starts NOW, not in december. He hinted around that without him my financial situation isn't very good. I told him NO it's fine now that we finally got caught up on everything I bring home $900 a paycheck with the extra hours I'm working. I can cover everything with some to save, so if you're implying that you need to continue to live here, my response is No, I don't need you. You "living" here is far more stressful and more drama then having to pay the bills on my own. It's been a month and half, he still hasn't found a place to live. He's still sleeping on his friends floor, it was the couch but now his friend is letting this girl from his work sleep there too. And aramis is talking to her about finding a house to rent. You just met this girl and now you're going to room with her. Okay that's going to turn out well. He came up today because he owed me nearly $100 and I told him I needed the money. But during the phone call I told him that I didn't want him to stay over for the night. I picked up the kids from daycare and we had dinner at mom's then came home he showered and left. I don't want to deal with this crap anymore. I told him that I would like him to have all his belongings out by the end of the month. I don't need him or his drama.

In baby news, everyone keeps telling me I'm getting a belly I don't really believe it. I just feel bloated still. Though I will admit, I used to have an extremely deep bellybutton and it seems to be getting quite shallow these days. I am 10 weeks so it's bound to happen soon I suppose. I go back to the doctor on June 2nd, from then I will be scheduling an ultrasound before 14 weeks for the nuchal fold screening. I don't have ANY concerns of down's syndrome but really I just want to see the baby again and this gives me a medical reason to see my baby so insurance will have to cover it! ha. At this point the baby is moving around and testing out it's new joints. Of course I won't be able to feel it for a few more weeks but it's definitely exciting!

alright that's far more than enough for an update! <3

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