Monday, May 24, 2010

23/52 - Was that Rum you put in my bottle?

You wiggle and turn yourself around in circles whenever you're in your crib or on the floor. I still am surprised to see you laying a different direction or two feet away from your blanket if I leave the room for a couple minutes.
I've increased your solids to twice a day because you refused the bottle but we're still acting hungry.. and you chomped down a whole 2 oz of solids! Piggy Boy! hee hee.. Pretty soon we will have tried all the basics and I can start making your food.
5/22 you finally rolled yourself over from back to tummy and back again! My Rolie Polie Olie!
OH and you absolutely love Sweet Potatoes!!
And I pretended you were a girl for about five minutes. :)
Your motor skills are improving greatly, you now can hold your bottle for a few minutes until you decide it's a toy and start playing with it. In the excersaucer you turn yourself around grabbing all the toys. You love the chewy blocks! It's fun watching you chomp 'em.
This week I don't think you've kept your tongue in your mouth for longer than five minutes at a time.. you stick it out at everyone! Goofy boy!

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