Monday, May 17, 2010

22/52 - Mom's LIL Romeo

Busy week full of milestones!! You're officially FIVE months old!
We went to the Zoo for the 1st time with Auntie Monica and Nick! And her brother Greg..
You started eating solids!! This is the third time I've tried, you really enjoyed it. Peaches and Rice cereal. At the end of the week I introduced Peas.. you were NOT a fan. I must say I did laugh at all the disgusted faces you made, after gagging down a couple bites your hands flew up, knocked the bowl out of my hand and it splattered everywhere! haha.. it was a riot! I also introduced the sippy cup for you to get used to. It's just a really fun toy for now.
Lots of Great Big Belly Laughs! For no apparent reason at all. Also I taught you how to play yell / scream.. you like practicing and finding your voice.
You're almost rolling over onto your tummy... you get sooo close then flop to your back.
You've started hitting.. yourself in the tummy, anyone that holds you. Such a violent little boy!! :)
I've been trying my best to soothe your eczema. I think I may have found the right combination, warm oatmeal bath and eucerine calming cream. We'll see in a couple weeks. Then maybe I won't have to put socks on your hands at night to keep you from scratching... er tearing you head apart!

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