Monday, May 10, 2010

21/52 - Our 1st Mother's Day.

wow. This past week you've become quite the little man. You now reach out for things you want, people (nick), toys and of course your milk, you are starting to use the "milk" sign not exactly in context I don't believe but it's a start. Each time I give you the bottle your hands automatically rise up to hold it, though your motor skills aren't quite there yet. If left on your own the bottle will go flying.
You have perfected raspberries. Which has resulted in you wearing a bib most days.. drooly boy!
You've also been laughing quite a bit more and grabbing those little pigs!
We went on our first vacation together. To your Great Auntie's, we stayed 5 days. You were pretty good the whole time, though you still get a bit of cabin fever if we stay inside most the day. The first night was pretty rough mostly because I think you were overstimulated on top of coming down with a cold and teething.
We visited Great Grandma, Grandpa Keith and Robbie came over to hold you for a bit. And for the first time I got to dip your little toes in the Pacific Ocean! You loved it just as much as I thought. My little water baby.
On our way home we stopped in Satsop to visit my father, the first time I've taken you to meet him. I'm thankful for all the sunshine we got while we were away!!

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