Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oliver is One Month old today!  Holy crow!  Mom and I are driving out to Ocean City tomorrow am so the little man can meet his Great Grandma.  There will be photos!  I really hope it isn't raining.  I want to take a quick trip on the beach with Oliver, it'll be his first time seeing the ocean.  And possibly stop by my father's grave so he can meet his Grandson.

He's been asleep nearly alll day.  I think he might be having a growth spurt.  :)  His swing batteries died tuesday night.. hopefully that won't be an issue tonight.

I actually got quite a bit accomplished today.  Packed up all the baby goodies for my friend Monica, she just had a little boy on the 5th.  Got everything for Oliver packed and ready for tomorrow plus a load of his laundry done.  Put my craft storage shelf together.  (now I just need to get the fabric baskets and photo boxes to store it all in)  Printed out and put together the photo album of Oliver & family for Great Grandma.  And of course doted on my little one all day.  <3

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