Friday, January 15, 2010

Oliver & Family

Great Grandma Burns and her first Great Grandson!
(she has three great granddaughters)

"Grandpa" Keith & Baby O

"Gramma" Robbie helping Oliver with a snack.

It was a two and half hour drive there and back.  I sat with him going and mom did on the way home.  I loved surprising everyone!  I'm hoping to plan another trip out there before I return to work.  Auntie has a spare bedroom.. that I might just not want to leave.  heehee... I love her house so much!  I want to take out my magic wand, shrink it down and put in my pocket to put it where ever I want!  It has dark hardwood floors through out... sighs I could go on and on. 

Oliver is staying the night at Gramma GG's tonight for the very first time.  A piece of my heart feels like it's gone missing but I know he's well taken care of and now I can indulge in some much needed sleep.

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