Monday, January 18, 2010

05/52 - 5 weeks!

Mommy's lil Monkey
(you can't see it in this photo but you have a monkey tee and slippers on ;D)

During your fifth week of life:

Goodness you've been asleep nearly all day! You wake to eat and once to poo. I'm hoping that won't upset our night to come?! This week has been quite eventful! You took your first trip to the Ocean to meet your Great Grandma! We also stopped to see Auntie and her family. They all loved you. The biggest comment / compliment you received was about how strong you are. Next was how awake and alert and of course how handsome you are!
That night you stayed with Grandma over night for the first time. Mama slept for 12 hours straight!
You also got to meet your second friend Dominick. My friend Monica's son who was born on the 5th of this month. He's only 5 pounds.. you are a giant compared to him!
We hung out with Uncle Sean, twice actually. I've been having a rough time dealing with depression / anxiety. I am looking forward to my six week check up, hopefully I can get my meds straightened out.
You are just growing rapidly before my eyes! Every time you stretch I think you grow and inch. (you wear all 3mos clothing now and starting to fit into some 3/6mo things) You are becoming more and more verbal. And you definitely aren't afraid to let anyone and everyone know when you're upset. You take the prize for the loudest kid in the grocery store, hunny. Mommy loves you anyway you are!

Super Baby O!

Hanging out in his crib, that he's never slept in.

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