Monday, January 4, 2010

03/52 - Crab pot.

During your third week of life:

It's been rough. Twice daily you have a scream fest. Usually when you're fighting sleep. There are a few hours each day where you're awake and happy so long as you're being held.
You eat 2 - 3 ounces at a feeding roughly every 2 to 3 hours and then graze on the last ounce until your next hunger time comes around.
I'm anxiously waiting for the wrap I ordered to arrive. Then I might be able to do the dishes without feeling like a bad mother. Not too mention start walking and getting myself into shape. ( A stroller is pretty much out of the question with your need to be held.. I don't believe in letting you cry it out)
I finally cut your nails. I had to wait until you were asleep and Gramma was holding you.
Here and there you let out little coos and yells.. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a big talker. And more than likely a thumb sucker once you can figure out how they work. I've caught you looking at your hands a couple times with a look of astonishment. Yes my love they are yours. ;D
binkies the root of all evil.

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