Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maternity Leave.

I've been on leave for a week.  I am bored out of my freaking mind already!  When is this kid gonna come?!!  I have been enjoying sleeping in, lazying around watching tv / movies and eating.  Thursday is payday, I'm looking forward to it because I can finally go christmas shopping!  It's strange not having to shop for a "boyfriend" this year.  This is only the 2nd year that has happened since I was 15!  Instead I'm shopping for my little brother and my son.  Weird.  Mom wants a toaster oven.. who knows why?!  Though I'm gonna get it for her.  And she requested no candy in her stocking, so I gotta figure out what else to put in there!  Maybe some oranges!   

I might pick up some yarn and work on another scarf, that's a good way to waste time!

I definitely have to see this!

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