Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How far along? 38 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: +18
Maternity clothes? don't be silly.
Sleep: I'm enjoying it while I can!
Best moment this week: Going to see New Moon with Carrie!!  ;D
Gender: I'm gonna need a pee pee tee pee.
Labor Signs: He's dropppppppped way looow!  But that's about it... no real contractions.
Belly Button in or out? lil bit in.
What I miss: shaving my crotch.
What I am looking forward to: kissing his chubby cheeks!  (and getting packages from fed ex tomorrow!)
Milestones: I started maternity leave!!  And we've made it to December!  One day this month will be my son's birthday.  I wonder which day he's going to pick?

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