Monday, November 23, 2009

taken last night 36w4d

How far along? 36w5d
Total weight gain/loss: +14.4 (as of 11/19)
Maternity clothes? for sure!
Sleep: It's about nap time.
Best moment this week: baby responds to gentle tickling thru my belly and he dances around whenever I say his name.
Gender: I hope he has a penis or I'm gonna have a girl raised as a boy!
Labor Signs: nope.  baby is a jokester and only stayed head down for 4 days.  He's happy laying across my belly.
Belly Button in or out? still in!
What I miss: reaching my feet.
What I am looking forward to: NO MORE PUKING!
Milestones: We're measuring 38 wks, baby's heartrate was 147 bpm, my blood pressure is excellent. Group B-!  OH... my ankles started swelling!

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