Sunday, November 15, 2009


How far along? 35w4d (holy crap I'm almost 36 weeks!!  And tomorrow is exactly ONE MONTH until our due date!!!!)
Total weight gain/loss: Went to the doc Friday.. +13lbs thus far.  She's very happy with my weight gain.
Maternity clothes? We only fit comfortably in 2 pairs of my pants.. I need FULL panel nowadays.
Sleep: For being 9 months pregnant I sleep surprisingly well. 
Best moment this week:  Learning my suspicions we're correct.  Baby is head down as of wednesday (that's when I felt his hiccups in my crotch for an entire day and his feet poking out under my ribs) and is dropping!
Gender: This baby better have a penis.. or I'm going to cry!
Labor Signs:  Aside from him getting geared up and ready... nothing. 
Belly Button in or out? I still consider it an innie.. sometimes it pops out for a lil while though.
What I miss: adult beverages.  (and truthfully I'm not that big of a drinker... I think it's the whole wanting what you can't have that gets me)
What I am looking forward to: I really am starting to wonder what he looks like.. if he's gonna have big lips, what color hair and eyes.. And HOW BIG IS HE GONNA BE!?
Milestones: Baby is actually cooperating!  Head down!  I thought he would be stubborn...

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