Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I wanted to document my pregnancy thru a blog.. I thought I'd start around 20 weeks after finding out the sex. Here we are at 33 weeks... and I've yet to begin. Better now then never, right?

How far along? 33w0d
Total weight gain/loss: +11lbs
Maternity clothes? YES! We've been in them since week 11. At this point we are starting to rapidly grow out of everything!
Sleep: I still sleep for about 12 to 14 hours a night. I wake about every 4 hours to pee and/or eat. It's beginning to get a bit difficult to roll over. Acid reflux is a bitch.
Best moment this week: This week has only just begun.. but last saturday was my wonderful baby shower! (photos below)
Gender: My Baby has a PENIS!
Labor Signs: I've had some braxton hicks. Overall I think he pretty content with staying in my uterus.
Belly Button in or out? I've still got an innie!
What I miss: Captain & Coke
What I am looking forward to: Aside from cuddling my wee one. Um.. breathing normally.
Milestones: I think baby is beginning to drop. At least that's what I've heard all day at work..  Oh and the feeling that I have to pee every 20 mins has kicked into full gear!

My cute cake!
Buttload of gifts!
yes. my aunt is a little obsessed.
Spoiled Baby!!
32w3d - after a day full of gift opening.

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