Friday, October 30, 2009

A Big Rambly Post About Baby Related Things!

Thus far it has been a rather productive weekend and I've still got 2 more days to go!

Yesterday I started cleaning my apartment.  I think nesting is slowly kicking into gear.  I washed ALL my bedding, rearranged my room a little to accomodate the little one's bassinet.  I started washing his things, towels, blankets and burp cloths.  Once I get his dressers painted, I'll wash up allllllll his clothes and tuck them neatly away.  I think I have about six loads before his clothing is done.  ha.

Today I started emptying out his room so that the painting can begin tomorrow morning!  I brought a few things that meandered their way over to my apartment back to mom's place.  Cleaned out my car and hooked in baby's carseat!  I also put in my order for cloth nappies!  I can't wait to cuddle my fluffy baby butt. 

Sunday I want to make a trip to pick up the last couple small items I need.  Then we can all just wait for the big day!  Well actually our birth classes are next weekend, so it would be nice to get thru those first.  The only "big" item I still really want is a moby wrap.  And I plan on getting his bedding set for christmas.. his room is gonna be the pirate's cove! 

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