Monday, November 2, 2009


I've taken photos of it, I just have to remember my camera the next time I come over to mom's.  (seeing as I still do not have internet and prolly won't for quite some time)  We painted his 2 dressers and now we just have to move the furniture back in, hang the curtains and all the little odds and ends but at least the major part of the project is finished!  And it's pretty freaking awesome if I do say so myself! 

I had gotten some dark brown paint to add accent colors but then we decided not to go that route.  So I'm going to use it to paint my bookshelf aka Tye's shelf that's bright pink and black.  And another freebe dresser I found awhile back that I use as my desk.  I'm really trying to make my new place home-like since I plan on living there for quite a few years.  I think in the spring / summer time I'm going to attempt to paint my room.  I just have to figure out what color!  I'm thinking something peachy or yellowish.

Work took me off the schedule tomorrow - low census.  I'm going to work on finishing baby's room!  I'm excited to get it all done!

edit //  PHOTOS!!

Baby's room Before!

After paint...

starting to put up the decor.

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