Thursday, January 20, 2011

This Mama...

just scored herself a job!!  I am excited for everything this means for us.  The biggest and most needed is a place to call our own.  Hopefully this will happen before May.  I won't stress too much, if it happens in June that's okay too.. I would just really like to be settled BEFORE the new addition. 
I was rehired with a company I worked for over the summer but at a different facitlity.  The kicker!!  I'll be making $2.75 more an hour.  That actually gives me a chance to get into my own apartment without a roommate, my ideal situation.
I'm a bit sad that O will have to return to daycare.  He'll be going to the same place as when he was an infant, his uncle and aunt attend there as well.  Not too mention the providers wife was my nurse when I delivered O.  Small world!  On the plus side, he LOVES other kids and I'm looking forward to him socializing.  Hopefully getting over his terrible case of separation anxiety.  His baby sister will be going with him in just a few months.
Big changes will be happening around here.

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