Wednesday, June 9, 2010

my life is pretty fucked up currently.

okay so.  I've had no luck finding work.  Was denied for unemployment.  Am currently waiting for TANF aka welfare.  I'm drowning in bills, just got a shut off notice for power and it's now the 9th of June I still have not paid rent.  Nor am I going to be able to pay.  My lease is up next month.  We will be moving, where I'm not really sure. 

My choices are
  1. Move to the Beach, WA.
  2. Move to Arizona.
  3. Drive until I can't drive no more.
 At this point I'm leaning more towards #2, seeing as I wanted to move out there twice before but for one reason or another I wasn't able to.  I have a friend and family that lives down there that can help us get on our feet.  I also have family at the beach that is willing to help as well.  Either way all of our belonging are going into storage and I will be driving. 

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