Monday, May 3, 2010

20/52 - whatchu doin?!

This week you've pretty much just been perfecting all the skills you've learned thus far.
rolling, grabbing feet / toes, grabbing and chewing on everything, getting steadier at sitting / standing and holding your bottle.  You can almost turn yourself all the way around in the excersaucer. Hung out in the Johnny Jump Up for the first time.. you like spinning yourself around.  You're pretty cute kid.
Somehow you've figured out how to suck in your bottom lip.. it's such a funny face.  I gotta get a photo of it!
I'm no longer working.  We've been spending everyday together while I'm hunting for a new job.

He puts the blanket there.. I'm constantly moving it away.

You were playing and talking to your dinosaurs while I was brushing my teeth.  When I finished it was quiet, I went to check on you and this is what I found.

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