Monday, April 26, 2010

19/52 - Rolie Polie Olie!

Wow this has been a fun week! First off you found your feet! I was changing your diaper, reached down for a new one and up your feet went straight into your hands! You figured out how to stick your tongue out, repeatedly. Went to your four month baby well check, you're at 15lbs 15.5oz and 24 3/4" long! You're over 2 feet tall.. YAY baby! They gave you 2 pokes. I don't like the poke nurse, she's brutal. And for the finale, you rolled your chubby self over from tummy to back again & again as I rolled you back.
Gramma plays a game with you, she calls it Pointer Finger. She puts her pointer finger out and touches your pointer finger. She's been doing this for a couple weeks now, you've figured it out! She points her finger and you reach up with yours to touch the tip of it! My Boy Genius!! Your fine motor skills are definitely improving.
We went down to visit with Monica and Nick. I of course forgot the camera, monica got some good photos.. I gotta get them from her!
 Yea he sure does take after me. 

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