Monday, March 29, 2010

15/52 - Bouncy Boy!

I actually didn't take this photo.  Cousin Laura did while they (Auntie Cindy, Laura, Crystal and Barbie) were babysitting.   Grandma had surgery (3/29) on her leg again to remove a cyst that had grown back.  We asked them to come up to help Mama out with you and Kyle.  You definitely seemed happy enough to be around some new faces!
I missed two days of work to stay home with you while you were sick, we cuddled, slept and watched a lot of One Tree Hill.  I managed to get a few chores done as well.
I had to exchange your swing, I'm still not sure what happened to the first I think the motor went out but they were kind enough to make the switch.  You still like to take naps in it but at night you've been sleeping with Mama more and more.
The biggest milestone this week.. you've been trying so hard to master holding your bottle.  It's amazing I've never seen a three month old do that before.  You've almost got it but you're still trying to fine tune those motor skills so it gets away from you.  Pretty soon though you'll have it down!  I've been showing you the sign for milk and referring to your bottle as such, I'm looking forward to the day that you can tell me that's what you want. 
Sleep has been pretty good, the days you have daycare you sleep until 5am the following morning because you don't nap.  Far too interested in watching the kids play I'm sure.  Mama doesn't mind though. 

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