Monday, February 1, 2010

07/52 - Happy Birthday!

Today is my 25th Birthday and you are 7 weeks old!

Your seventh week of life:

The biggest milestone you achieved this week SMILING!  Lots of smiles and spontaneous giggles! You've always been alert from the day you were born but this week you became aware a bit more of your surroundings.  You like to be held facing out that way you can observe the big world around you.  Which is a very good thing, not only are you learning and filling your ever expanding brain with knowledge.  You aren't crying nearly as much, now it's pretty much just when you want to eat or if you're tired.  You've been talking / babbling a bit more and interacting.  It's amazing you're starting to grow into this little person and less of a screaming lump!  Mommy's proud!
The Doc upped my zoloft and it has made a huge difference!!  Plus you've decided to nap again, well for a couple days.  You actually took a 3 hour nap on tuesday and I was able to sand & paint a bookshelf and dresser that I've been trying to accomplish since November.  I was very pleased!
My w-2 finally came.. $5385 we're getting back!  You are gonna be getting your bed set finally and a nice big order of fuzzi bunz plus all the goodies to go with wet bag, rockin' green laundry detergent, 1 dz prefolds and 2 thirsties covers, bum wash and I think that's about it!  I think I'm also gonna pick up a bumbo seat for you.  I'm pretty sure you'll make good use of it.
Duracell batteries last the longest in the swing!  Everything else dies twice as fast.
You started drinking from 8oz bottles.  :(  You're getting so big!  OH.. and while I was burping you yesterday I couldn't figure out why you smelt so bad.  I looked at your neck.. you've got some kind of yeasty rash brewing.  We're going to the Doc tomorrow to help that out.  My stinky bread boy.
Gramma got you your first rocking chair(s)!  I love them!  And they were an excellent price, as always!
I ordered your sleepywrap finally.. it should be here in a couple days.  I can't wait to wear you and have 2 hands again!
Well I hear your yells that it's feeding time again.  Until next week!  Mama loves you very much!

hee hee..

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