Monday, January 11, 2010

04/52 - 4 weeks today!! And such a ham!

 During your fourth week of life:

Time is going by so quickly. This coming week you'll be turning One month old. Soon it'll be your first birthday and before I know it you'll be graduating from College. Yes, please go after high school. I made the decision not to and now I'm having to figure how to juggle motherhood, work and school ALL full time! ahhh. Enough about me. ;)

This week your hands have found your mouth! You still don't know that they are yours but whenever they land near your mouth you begin sucking / licking them. Everyone comments on how serious you are and while that is true it seems a little bit of your goofy side is starting to emerge. I give you kisses, you get excited and try to suck on my chin while nearly smiling. I think you might fit in very well with your grandma and I.

Sleep. You are getting better and better with this. The past few nights you've actually been crashing for 5 hours, wake to eat then continue your sleep / eat every 2 hours routine. That initial 5 hours is heaven for your mommy! You've also been less fussy and have actually tolerated sitting in your swing AWAKE for up to 15 minutes before getting upset that no one is holding you. Partly I feel I am to blame for your grumpiness. While I was pregnant I continued to take zoloft that I was prescribed nearly two years ago. I knew that there was a risk of the baby having withdrawal symptoms after birth but I was hoping we could bypass that. Now that you've calmed down quite a lot and are acting more like a newborn. I know that you were withdrawaling from the medication, I'm sorry I know those headaches are awful and that explains why it was so hard for you to sleep and when you'd cry it sounded like you were in pain. I am glad that it has passed and I pray that it will not have any effects on you later in life.

Your hair is starting to fall out just a little around your forehead, I sincerly hope it grows back because as of right now it looks as if you might have your father's hair line. (which isn't a good thing!)  You've pretty much grown out of everything newborn.  Even some 0-3mos is getting a little snug.  I got on the scale with you it says you're about 10 lbs!

I think that's most of the important events of this past week. I love you little man. <3

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