Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Shopping is Done!

I finished all in one day!  (Mom's stocking just needs a little help.. it's pretty skimpy.)  After I'm finished here at mom's (have I mentioned how much is sucks not having internet at home!??!  Hopefully that'll change shortly after the new year...) I'm going to go on a wrapping spree and fill the empty space under my tree.  For everyone that I wasn't able to purchase gifts for they'll be getting a tin full of homemade cookies!  mm.

I had a feeling FedEx would be stopping by today.. sure enough just a little after 2pm my new lens finally arrived!!  I love it!  I can't wait to take billions of photos of my son!  I plan on doing a 52 week project for him of his first year.

Christmas Day is gonna be pretty skimpy when it comes to opening gifts, since I've already received nearly all of mine.  Just waiting on mario kart ds and nordstrom gift cards.  I got spoiled this year!  Plus Hopefully Santa will be bringing me a baby!  I can't believe I'm due in 5 days!  That's insane.

After all this rambling I'll leave you with a photo looking out from my patio.  I plan on doing all four seasons.  This being winter... (duh!)

(as always, click to enlarge.)

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