Tuesday, December 29, 2009

02/52 - 2 weeks!!

 During your second week of life:
The day that Oliver turned 2 weeks we stayed the night at my mom's. She had spent a week sleeping on my floor (I really need a damn couch!) Sunday night Ollie and I had a pretty rough time.. I even called Mom and was going to ask if she could take him for the night. Thankfully she didn't answer. I felt weak. And most of all like I failed my son because I couldn't even last 2 weeks with him. But I just tucked him in bed with me and we managed a few hours sleep. So anyway.. Monday night she offered to take him for the night. I started crying (for the same reasons and I'm not ready to be away from him over night yet.) and thought about it. I came up with the brilliant idea of sleeping on mom's couch while she got up with him thru the night. ;D It worked and of course Oliver slept well there! Turd.
The past 2 days I've been calling him crab pot, if he's awake he wants to feed constantly. If there isn't a bottle, binky or my index finger in his mouth he is SCREAMING! I cannot wait until he figures out how his fingers / thumbs work. He wants to suck on them soooo badly but can't quite get them to stay in his mouth. :D Even when he is screaming he's still cute... It just breaks my heart.
Breastfeeding has been a pretty sore subject for me. My milk NEVER fully came in even with feeding on demand, pumping and taking fenugreek. I've pretty much given it up, I still let him nurse for comfort whenever he wishes. I'm pretty bummed.. I wanted more than anything to breastfeed my child. He is excellent at it! My body just failed us.
He's pretty cute.

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