Monday, December 21, 2009

01/52 - wow.

 my baby is already a week old!
 During your first week of life:
It's amazing the changes that occur in only a week. Baby O dropped 12% of his birth weight putting him at 7lbs 14oz on 12/18 because my milk hadn't come in. Doctor wanted me to supplement with formula, 3 days later he's up to 8lbs 7oz. We are still nursing, he has too awesome of a latch and drive, not to... I just wish I can make enough milk to satisfy him.
This week we've also seen several "real" smiles... they melt my heart. He's gotten his first bath at home and he sleeps wonderfully at night... generally 3 to 4 hour stretches at a time. Everyone has commented on how alert he is.. he has been since his big debut. He definitely doesn't want to miss out on anything! Also he has wonderful neck control.. he came out of the womb ready and able to hold his head up on his own. Such an amazing little man. Every time I look into his eyes and tell him I love him I have to stop myself from crying. It's still surreal that my body created another life. I love this boy more than any other person on this planet.

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