Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year, A New Blog and A New Baby!

I've been out of the blogging loop for about three years.  I miss it greatly.  I have a terrible habit of switching blogs after about a year or so.. Not this time!  This is it.  And with that here comes my first goal of 2011.
  • I will post AT LEAST twice a week!!  Photos will be sparse until after we move but I can still write plenty of text. 
I completed all 52 weekly photos of O's 1st year.
  • I will write up the rest of the text that goes with each photo.
  • All of the photos and text will be printed out.
  • Finish the scrapbook for it all.
When the new little one arrives.
  • I will begin a 52 week project for her.
As for the rest of this years goals...
  • Point & Shoot will reside in my purse.  I will use it in place of cell phone photos!  I want to start capturing more of our daily lives.
  • I will cloth diaper my children as often as possible.
  • I will continue to take monthly photos of Oliver.
  • As soon as it's cleared by doctor, I will begin a workout regime.  My goal is not to just lose weight but to create a healthy lifestyle for myself and children.
  • Foot tattoos and 2 piercings this summer.
  • Learn and perfect homemade apple pie!
  • crochet!!  I want to learn the granny square, dang it! 
  • work on getting out of debt and getting my credit score up, up, up!
  • SCHOOL!  Even if I enroll for only one class!  It's one step closer to my ultimate goal of RN.
That's a pretty good start!  Last year I only checked off one or two of my goals.  Some of the others made their way over to this year.  (apple pie!!)  These are all obtainable, reachable and I'm gonna get 'em!

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