Friday, January 28, 2011

Cupcake Update!

How far along?  25w5d
Total weight gain/loss: +4.5
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes!! I need more tops.
Sleep: has been better. but I take what I can get!
Best moment this week: nothing too notable. she seems quite a bit more mellow than her older brother.  Usually only moves for about  20 mins three times a day.  Or anytime I feed her sugar!  
Gender: It's a little GIRL!! eee!
Labor signs: nope!  I think she's stuck until her due date! 
Belly Button in or out?  Innie. 
What I miss: Truthfully, having our own home. 
What I am looking forward to: moving and getting everything set up for her and O. 
Milestones: I'm starting to feel her roll more and I may have felt some hiccups.  We took the 1hr glucose test this morning.. hope we pass! 

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